Patient Information

Patient Comfort
Each technologist at our office is a specialist, with extensive training in mammography techniques and positioning. Every effort will be made to ensure your comfort.
For best image quality
Please schedule your breast procedure 2 to 12 days after the start of your menstrual cycle.
Talk To The Technician Before Your Exam
If you are concerned about potential breast pain during your mammogram. Often patients who have had a difficult experience at another facility are pleasantly surprised by how easy mammography can be when performed by a true professional.
COVID 19 Protocol
Santa Barbara Women’s Imaging Center offers a full schedule of diagnostic, screening, and procedural services. We are open Monday through Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm with additional MRI appointment times on Saturday.
We are practicing all recommended and necessary patient protection measures including vigorous facility cleaning and touch-less body temperature upon entry. Symptom screening is conducted as part of our remote registration process. Patients coming to our office are required to wear a face covering. Non-patient visitors are limited to those dependent patients needing a caregiver with them.
We continue to take advantage of telephone pre-registration. In most cases, this limits our waiting room traffic. We are working diligently to schedule patients as quickly and efficiently as possible. We welcome you back and look forward to serving your imaging needs.
If you have any questions, please call us: 1 (805) 560-8111
Preparing For Your Appointment
For all appointments: bring your Medicare or insurance cards if you would like us to bill your insurance.
- Arrange ahead of time to bring or transfer your previous mammograms and other breast imaging studies to our office
- Wear a two-piece outfit, such as a skirt and blouse or pants and shirt
- Do not use powder or deodorant on the torso or breast area
- Allow 30 minutes for screening and 60 minutes for diagnostic examinations or for women with breast implants
Wear a two-piece outfit; allow 30 to 45 minutes for your visit.
Wear comfortable pants with no zippers, buttons, or snaps; allow 30 to 45 minutes for your visit. This exam is performed in suite 113, please check in at that location.
Drink at least 32 ounces of liquid starting one hour before your appointment time, to fill your bladder; it is best to schedule when you are not on your menstrual cycle; allow 45 minutes for your visit. This exam is performed in suite 113, please check in at that location.
we would prefer that patients discontinue use of any blood thinning medications. These include Plavix, aspirin, herbal products, extra Vitamin E, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naprosyn (Aleve), Coumadin, Lovenox, Xarelto, etc. Before altering your schedule for blood thinning medications, please consult your physician.